just finish the book n movie of anne frank. hmm ever since i came back frm the UK i m more into those wars n personal account of wars so i read quite a few related to e nazi since roman empire is a bit tooooo far awway frm us so mayb i will start on it later.
originally i din read the foreword n i jus read frm the back of e cover dat its a gers account of hiding frm e nazi in holland (shes a jew)so i started n i tot it wasnt as nice as its in a diary format n shes onli 12 when she started writing. i din find it as interesting as the book by the last secretary of hitler nor the personal account of how a guy ran away n survive in e cold norway frm e germans coz its nt well connected together as a story but instead on a ger view on life n family n wat she wan to do after e war etc. but as i came to the last entry i was a bit stun as it ended abruptly. den i read e afterword n reaise dat they were betrayed n was taken away by e nazi to the concentration camps n stuff.. n onli one survivor of the 8. i dunno why but suddenli i gt all the goosebumps n jus started tearing when i read wat happn to them after e story. its jus a weird feeling frm readin e book bcoz e books i read bfore r frmthe survivors but dis was written by a ger whu died soon after dat.. jus 2 weeks bfore the camp she was in was liberated. e world will b better off with ppl whu r willing to help others in need rather dan to sacrifice others to safeguard ur own interests. reallie sad book. i will wan to visit the place they hid in at central amsterdam one day.